You Look 12 Years Old

If you scroll down to see the last couple of paragraphs of the message below you will see that he comments to me “You look about 12 in your profile picture.”  Seriously, this guy is going to say that to me and then send a message to try to argue he is right for me?  You look 12 years old…but I’m an old man that likes little girls (gross).  I guess I look young for my age.  People tell me that often.  When they state that they thought I was younger I always ask, “Was it because I look young or is it my maturity level?”  They just laugh…so I figure it’s the maturity level (wrinkles nose).  There are times that I advertise my age on facebook and in coversation because people will treat me differently when they know my real age.  I get treated with a little more respect.

So, anyhoodle, I have a couple of issues with this guy.  His profile indicates that he is 46 years old seeking women 27 – 40 years old.  However, he nonchalantly states in his email that he is 50 years old.  Really?  Lieing about his age and sort of admitting to it, but he is expecting me not to notice he lied in his profile.  How lovely!  Furthermore, he is seeking women that are 23 years younger than him at 27 years of age, and stops at 10 years younger with women who are 40 years of age.  Believe me he wasn’t that hot and really couldn’t aim for the 27 year olds.



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